Francisco Calderón Maldonado
Francisco specializes in Criminal Law with a strong grounding in Criminal Law applied to business and financial matters.
With more than 15 years working in the Spanish courts at all levels (Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, Madrid Supreme Court of Justice, Madrid Provincial High Court, National High Court, Court of Auditors), he has gained experience in proceedings of all kinds, including special cases involving the protection of constitutional rights, extraditions and financial cases.
He has been involved in numerous high profile and socially relevant prosecutions, including the Gürtel, Malaya, Púnica, Gescartera, Ballena Blanca, Astapa, Saqueo, Carrusel and Verbatim cases, among numerous other investigations.
In addition to his own practice as a Lawyer, Francisco regularly assists other legal professionals including High Court Judges, Magistrates, Court Secretaries and other Lawyers and combines his work with research, analysis and reviews of current Spanish case law.
Study, analysis and review of recent Spanish case law for the Datadiar database (2004 – 2014).
La prescripción penal tras la reforma operada por la LO 5/2010 Diario La Ley, junio 2011.
Cumplimiento de las penas: análisis de la Doctrina Parot y del denominado doble cómputo de la prisión provisional Diario La Ley, julio 2011.