Carmen Gutiérrez Dorronsoro
With a career spanning more than 15 years, Carmen regularly advises in complex matters with a strong multijurisdictional strand where the overall strategy and the comprehensive knowledge of the different legal areas –mainly Litigation, Bankruptcy and Public Law- is key.
Her specialization in Competition and European Law has also led her to intervene in major Spanish and EU restrictive practices cases, as well as domestic and European merger control procedures.
Carmen has coauthored the following books: La Sociedad Anónima Europea. Análisis del Reglamento (CE) nº 2157/2001 del Consejo, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto de la Sociedad Anónima Europea y de la Directiva 2001/86/CE sobre implicación de los trabajadores, Bosch (2004); and Derecho Español de la Competencia. Comentarios a la Ley 15/2007, Real Decreto 261/2008 y Ley 1/2002, Bosch (2008).

Professional career
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
— Degree in Law, awarded 2001
Universidad de Gales
— Degree in Business Administration, awarded in 2001
Universidad Carlos III
— MA in European Union Law, awarded 2003
Uría Menéndez
Brussels, 2004
Clifford Chance
Madrid, 2005-2009